Thursday 7 March 2013

Cat and dog

This is my dog and cat. You already know them very well. They are soaking in the sun. Many like to be warm and sunny. They are very curious and want to kiss the camera. Dog stick out his tongue even. Daisy tries to give kisses the dog. And although the movie "Tom and Jerry" they are very good friends. Many love them. In this way I will show pictures of other dog says Ira.

Wednesday 6 March 2013

What kind of bird is this

This beautiful bird shot of the wiring wire. She sat there completely undisturbed. I do not know the species, and wondering what kind it is. It is very beautiful. And it looks very calm. Anyway it will stay there forever. But after about five minutes, something startled her and she moved to the roof of a house against us. Again remained undisturbed. But when I moved to the eaves of the house began to look at me. I was worried and I stopped to photograph it to remain there unmolested.